Transform Your
Workplace With
Deborah Connors

Book Deborah to
speak today!

Author of
A Better Place To Work:
Daily Practices That
Transform Culture

Transform Your
Workplace With
Deborah Connors

What's New?

Leading A Better Place To Work course starting again in September!

New Format!

Leading A Better Place To Work

A self-directed course with live sessions, group coaching options and a place for course community engagement.

This course is for emerging leaders and business owners who want to lead successful, high performing teams without overwhelm and burnout.

Learn simple daily practices to transform: Your Leadership | Your Team | Your Culture

What My Clients Are Saying

“Thank you! This course was one of the most useful leadership-focused courses I have taken! It has transformed my daily practice both personally and professionally.”
“There are so many applicable tools and daily practices I have learned from this course to improve positivity, teamwork, and culture that I wish I knew when we started our business!”


Jen Phillips, Senior Practice Specialist
McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association


Dr. Kristen Butler, Co-Owner
Island Optimal Health & Performance