Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash. Have you taken any trips around a vicious cycle lately? Or down a downward spiral? You know, those times when one thing compounds on another, and before you know it, you’re feeling overwhelmed and in a state of languishing. This...

I’ve been quieter than usual lately. Not intentionally. Just finding myself stuck some days in all that is going on. Perhaps it has happened to you too. I wish there were a word to describe this condition of having countless ideas, but having difficulty channelling...

Photo by Charlotte Coneybeer on Unsplash Life has really changed, hasn’t it? Two months ago, you never would have imagined that your business would still be on hold - that you’d be completely reinventing how you operate. You may have thought this pandemic would pass in...

As I begin to write this article, I am in quarantine in my white house, with its small front porch. The days are warm, spring is well and truly here. It’s green outside, and flowers bloom everywhere. The ocean tides come and go as they...

Most organizations that encourage mindfulness practices amongst their employees do this for the benefit of employee well-being, as it offers clarity of thinking, better concentration, and the ability to stay calm under pressure. However, there are some other very powerful and fascinating benefits to this practice....

Featured Image by Elena Lena on Reshot. My friend used to get up when it was still dark, the sun just beginning to rise, strap on a head lamp and get outside for his early morning walk. His advice was, “Even if you don’t feel like...

When I was a child, my parents decided it wasn’t OK for people to smoke in our house. They didn’t smoke themselves, and they didn’t want their children to take in second hand smoke. While that would be perfectly normal in today’s world, in the...

It had been 16 years since my last triathlon, and 4 years since I had even raced a 5 km run, but when my husband suggested that our family enter a sprint-triathlon and my 13-year old daughter was excited to compete in her first one,...

In “The Deep Change Field Guide: A Personal Course to Discovering the Leader Within” Dr. Robert Quinn points out that launching a company-wide change effort without considering the role of culture in the process is the equivalent of “learning that your brain surgeon is ignorant...

“Research shows that corporate purpose statements often do more harm than good because they are political exercises rather than words that people passionately believe in,” were the words of Dr. Robert Quinn when I interviewed him for “A Better Place To Work: Daily Practices That...