03 May Change Is In The Air
I realize it may have been some time since I have been in touch with you. But with some exciting news and updates to share, the timing seemed right to reconnect.
My work is still focused on influencing positive shifts in workplace culture and furthering organizational health in workplaces, but I want to let you know about some changes in case you aren’t aware. In 2014, after many years of growing The Better Workplace Conference (formerly the Health Work & Wellness™ Conference), it was acquired by The Conference Board of Canada, one of the most respected research and event planning organizations in Canada. And with this chapter of my life transitioned into good hands, another new one opens!
Change is good, and I am very excited to be back out in the workplace presenting, coaching and consulting. But I am most excited about the research I am doing for my upcoming book…stay tuned for details! I have also recently launched a new website and blog where you can stay up to date and learn more as well.
One of the high points of leading The Better Workplace Conference over the years was getting to know hundreds of brilliant thought-leaders who are making great strides in improving workplaces across the country and around the world. I’ve distilled the knowledge and best advice from these researchers and business leaders and this, combined with my own leadership experience and success in community engagement, is the material of my speaking, consulting, coaching and forthcoming book.
I invite you to get in touch! Please let me know what you think about my new website, and if you think your workplace can benefit from what I have to offer – let’s partner and make a difference!
All the best!