You Need to Know How to Transform What You Do Daily to Transform Your Life

This morning my yoga instructor reminded us that how we transform is through daily practices. She was talking about our bodies and minds, but the transformation of leaders, teams and organizational culture also works this way. We transform through what we decide to do daily. We can practice being stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted daily, or we can practice regular renewal so that we can calmly approach every situation we find ourselves in and support our teams to do the same.

What are you practicing today? How can you incorporate a healthy practice that will renew you? That might look like a 10-minute walk for some fresh air and new perspective. If you only have 5 minutes, maybe it’s some focused writing while you’re waiting for a meeting to start, which is a great way to get your mind focused on your intentions for the meeting. Only 30 seconds? Try jotting down 3 things you are grateful for.

There are many simple ways to incorporate daily practices that make a huge difference over time to our positivity and resilience. Like adding a 5-minute debrief to the end of your team meetings to focus on how the team can do better at supporting each other and working together. Research shows that teams that do this are 25% more productive overall. Or starting your team meetings with a round of gratitude. What a great way to set the tone for the meeting right from the start!

Each day is a new opportunity to choose what to practice. Choose wisely.

Want to know more about practices that transform workplace culture? Follow this blog for weekly ideas to create your “better place to work” from Deborah’s new book A Better Place To Work: Daily Practices That Transform Culture. 

If you want to delve deeper into these practices, join Deborah’s online course “8 Weeks To A Better Place To Work” starting again October 18/18. Log in every week from the comfort of your office or home and join others, like you, who are engaging in new practices to improve the health and positivity in their workplaces. A complimentary copy of A Better Place To Work will be sent to you as a part of this course. It’s like a book club, with online coaching – fun, informative and hugely practical!

Order your copy of A Better Place To Work: Daily Practices That Transform Culture, with reduced prices available for bulk orders for your team and organization.


Deborah Connors

Deborah Connors teaches leaders to radically shift culture so that people can flourish. She is an engaging speaker, storyteller, author and coach.

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